Download & Quick start



NavLog will be release in 2024 (setup instructions will be available). In the meantime, I will use it and fix problems during 5 months while sailing. Beta testers are welcome!

  • NavLog Presentation in PDF format
  • Download NavLog for Windows v0.0 Alpha (7-Zip download, not yet available)
  • Download NavLog for Windows Runtime (To be installed only once in the same directory than NavLog.7z, not yet available)

Manual installation

An easier installation procedure will be available in the next release.

* Uncompress NavLog.7z to C:\NavLog (use 7-Zip)
* Create a NavLog shortcut on the Desktop (use Ctrl+Shift and drag & drop C:/NavLog/bin/NavLog.exe)
* Double click the NavLog shortcut.

Quick setup

Select the [Configuration] button
Recording tab
* Select [File to replay] and/or TCP/IP parameters
Installation tab
* Directories should be OK.
* Check the viewer location (Google Earth and Calibre or another ePub reader)
OpenCPN tab
* Wait some seconds for the icons to be loaded.
* Check the OpenCPN installation directory (it should be OK).

Quick start

* Play with the contextual help buttons [?]

Using several computers

NavLog is a highly portable application which does not rely on the Windows Registry. It can be installed on the hard disk of a computer and/or on a memory stick and/or on an external disk drive.

* The directory C:/NavLog only contains two subdirectories : ./bin and ./SHIPS

* The program is installed in C:/NavLog/bin

* The data are installed in C:/NavLog/SHIPS

(in one subdirectory structure for each boat).

After installation and use, the entire directory structure C:/NavLog/ can be moved from a computer (on the ship) to another one (at home).

WARNING : If you modify Log Points on computer N°1, you MUST update the N°2 before modifying them on this one. Otherwise you will lose data!